I wanted a bowl of cereal tonight, but realized I forgot to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home (worked late, hit every light coming home so the trip was one hour and was focused on getting home and it slipped my mind). There is enough milk for the kid in the morning, but not enough to drown my cereal. Soooooo....
Let's get creative. I have a bag of Sugar Smacks. I have a bowl. I have a spoon. I have some FRENCH VANILLA ICE CREAM. Wait, WHAT? Milk comes from cows. Ice cream comes from milk (in a round about way). Hmmmm. TASTY GOODNESS. You get a crunchy and smooth treat, then as the ice cream melts, it is just like a bowl with milk, except the cereal STAYS CRUNCHY.
I think I am on to something here. Watch out Ben & Jerry's!
Is there a shortage of straws? This is the fourth time in 2 weeks that I have received a drink at a drive-through and didn't receive a straw. I have asked on two different occasions and told that 'it was in the bag'. Stupid me to believe them. Well, I hope this lack of straw inclusion messes up their cup-to-straw inventory ratios and requires them to order a few hundred more cups because they have one straw left and no cups, then have to order a few thousand straws because they only have one cup and no straws.
I was at the gas station the other day and someone ahead of me was buying lottery tickets. Now, I hate standing behind these people, trying to pick and choose their instant win tickets and trying to relay the numbers for the Lotto, then trying to count out the cash, but this conversation takes the cake:
clerk verifies and hands customer $5.
So, this genius started with $40, bought $35 in lottery tickets, won $5, cashed that back in for more lottery tickets, and was left with $5 to buy gas with for his beat up brown POS car outside. Now go home and kick the dog.