Tag, I'm it


I was 'tagged' by Melissa at Hope for the Hopless so I guess I need to list 7 random, weird or quirky things about me.

End User License Agreement

# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

I agree to the terms and conditions

1) I have many different hobbies. If something interests me, I pursue it. I have a closet full of astronomy, tools, electronics, R/C, aviation, rock climbing, video games, toys and anything else that sounding like fun at the moment.

2) I would spend every dollar I have if I could. I would have stacks of unopened TV's, video games, books, movies, gadgets and anything else available at BestBuy, Circuit City, Fry's and the hobby shops.

3) I am slightly dyslexic. That is, I read magazines from back cover to front cover. I read a page starting with the second paragraph or so, finish the page, then *maybe* skim back to the first paragraph. I usually skip over the first few and last words in a sentence and the wordy meaningless descriptive text.

4) Continuing on #3 (gotta stretch these out), I write weird as well (when I actually use a pen and paper!). I will write a word starting with the second letter, finish spelling the word, then go back and fill in the first letter.

5) An infants' scribblings with a crayon is more legible than my signature. You think your doctor has a bad signature? Mine is worse (but I can tell if I wrote it or someone forged it).

6) I cannot sit still. I am constantly thumping my leg, twitching my shoulder or drumming my fingers. I hate being cooped up all day, and need to get out just about every day. If I don't get out of bed, take a shower then head out the door, my day just seems to drag and I lose energy.

7) I don't accept 'I don't know' for an answer and have high expectations of people. I believe too many people simply accept 'just because' to explain things. It drives me nuts, and really gets under my skin! Since I am geek, I thirst knowledge. I get frustrated when people don't seem to live up to their potential that I *assume* they have.

BONUS) I repeat myself. When talking to someone, I will describe what they are to do many times over. This probably comes from years of being ignored by Alpha-Geeks during my apprentice days. I repeat myself. This probably comes from years of being ignored by Alpha-Geeks during my apprentice days. When talking to someone, I will describe what they are to do many times over. I repeat myself. When talking to someone, I will describe what they are to do many times over. This probably comes from years of being ignored by Alpha-Geeks during my apprentice days. I repeat myself. This probably comes from years of being ignored by Alpha-Geeks during my apprentice days. When talking to someone, I will describe what they are to do many times over.

Extra Credit) I talk to myself. Out loud. In the car. I will have an entire conversation for 50 minutes on my drive home from work, going over things that happened that day, things to do tomorrow or 'rehersing' for upcoming meetings or presentations.

I'll have to break the EULA above to 'tag 7 others' right now. I'll have to get back to you on that one. Check back later.

3 comments so far.

  1. AutoSysGene
    Believe me when I say he repeats himself...

    This is a pretty accurate description! The only thing he left out was his crazy wife...
  2. Anonymous
    #3 and 4 made me laugh out loud.

    #5 and extra credit are SO me, as well!!
  3. Big D
    he loves his crazy wife that is why!!!

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